Monday 16 June 2014

All Energy 2014 – Pelamis cost of energy study


In the last session of All Energy 2014, Jacob Ahlqvist presented key findings from Pelamis's recently completed cost reduction project commissioned by the ETI. The project goals were to:
  1. maximise returns from the two P2 machines presently being tested at Orkney
  2. drive down cost of energy
  3. deliver the next design iteration, the P2e, as quickly as possible
Jacob noted that the P2e would 'address the short-comings of the P2', i.e. apply lessons learnt from testing at Orkney to design changes targeted at improving the cost of energy. The final project report was reviewed by independent consultants Black and Veatch, and approved by the ETI review panel. The report itself is not publicly available, but I've heard there are plans to disseminate the results. In the meanwhile, here is what I jotted down during the talk.